WineGlass Marsalla

PShR Book I Shagya-Arabian Mare
- 2010 Shagya-Arabian Mare
- Bred by Linda Rudolphi
- RushCreek Fawn Dam Line
- Overall High Point Shagya-Arabian Mare during the 2015 PShR Inspection
WineGlass Marsalla Lineage
A vibrant chestnut mare exhibiting the same color of her grand-dam, RushCreek Fawn. With her first foal in 2017 it is evident Marsalla will continue to produce the historic qualities within her pedigree. Unfortunately Marsalla sustained a debilitating injury to her hind fetlock preventing her from entering a performance career. During her extended hospital care she did prove the intelligence of the Shagya-Arabian. She seemingly knew treatment was for her benefit and she trusted the humans who worked to reduce her injury to a minimum.
Not only is WineGlass Marsalla a *Budapest daughter, her dam WineGlass Madeira is also a *Budapest daughter. Line breeding to this degree requires generations of proven genetics for success. WineGlass Madeira is PShR Book I Shagya-Arabian mare and was a nation-wide high scoring mare accepted into the Trakehner Pilot program. WineGlass Madeira was approved in 1997 for Shagya breeding receiving 8's for her head, neck and trot. In 2003 at the age of 11 she was approved for Trakehner breeding with marks of 8 for her frame, legs and type. Comments included "good type - expressive and harmony of body parts", "depth of body-good topline/pelvis", "good bone/joint size - correct" and "good temperament and manner." Madeira was never out of the ribbons showing in-hand with awards including: NASS Shagya Model Halter Champion as a yearling, ASAV Reserve Champion Performance in 2003, and NASS Shagya Performance Horse in 2003.
WineGlass Marsalla during the PShR Interior Test at the 2015 PShR Inspection.
2015 PShR Inspection. Left to Right: WineGlass Marsalla, Dr Olivia Rudolphi, WineGlass Mirella (full sister to Marsalla), Linda Rudolphi
First foal for WineGlass Marsalla the 2017 filly WineGlass Marsanne by the Shagya-Arabian stallion *Max.