*Budapest 1986-2012

Shagya-Arabian Stallion
Bred in Denmark by Ulla Nyegaard
- Approved for Shagya-Arabian breeding in 1989 by Dr Frielinghaus & Bruno Furrer
- Measured 159 cm & 21 cm cannon as a mature stallion
- *Budapest has produced nearly 100 Shagya-Arabian, Anglo-Shagya, Hungarian Felver, and Half-Arabian progeny total in the USA
- Most awarded Meritorious Shagya-Arabian Stallion by both Shagya-Arabian Registries in the USA & Canada.
- A limited number of frozen semen doses make it possible for us to still produce 'BUDA Babies'.
Look for *Budapest on the Performance Shagya-Arabian (PShR) Stallion Page
Photos from WineGlass Farm Facebook Page
Photo: *Budapest at 22 - Rudolphi Photo
*BUDAPEST, in the 1990's, was one of the few Shagya-Arabian stallions in the U.S. to have completed the stallion performance standards required by the International Shagya-Arabian Society (ISG) in Europe - and he completed these ISG requirements easily. Today, *BUDAPEST is still the only purebred US Shagya-Arabian breeding stallion to receive USDF All-Breed recognition. His progeny continue to prove their athletic and competitive expertise with regional and national achievements
*BUDAPEST is the only Shagya-Arabian stallion with the honor of standing at stud at the foundation Hungarian Horse breeding program of the Cooksley Ranch as a traditional European outcross for the rare Hungarian Felver horses.
*BUDAPEST progeny continue to prove their athletic expertise and exemplary dispositions with regional and national achievements. They have excelled in dressage, eventing, endurance, competitive trail, lesson masters and law enforcement. BUDA babies can be seen on our Facebook page:

Shagal (Shagya III)
SHAGAL became a chief stallion and was honored to become "SHAGYA III" at the Babolna Stud, Hungary. SHAGAL has produced several influential stallions used at State Studs and Shagya-Arabian-Arabian farms. His genetic contribution has been instrumental in rebuilding the Shagya-Arabian breed.
Owned by and riding companion of Dr. Walter Huber, Germany.

This Shagya foundation mare was imported carrying *BUDAPEST in-utero and delivered a healthy colt while in quarantine. The strong qualities of this excellent broodmare have genetically contributed to the easy breeding and mother-ability qualities of the US Shagya-Arabian.
For 3 years, competition points accumulated by *BUDAPEST and his progeny enabled *BIALA, to receive Top Five Meritorious Dam in the Year End Awards of the Arabian Sport Horse Association*.
Photo: *Biala at the age of 22
Lifetime and Meritorious Achievements of *BUDAPEST
1992USDF - Regional - Training - 1st Place
ASHAI EOY Res Champion - Training
IL Centerline Dressage - EOY Merit Novice Award
USDF All Breed- NASS
USDF All Breed - ASHAI (Arabian Sport Horse Assoc., Inc.)
USDF Qualified Riders Award
ASHAI EOY -Top Ten All Breed Competitor
Arabian Sport Horse Association (ASHAI) Placed in Meritorious Stallion
ASHAI Meritorious Dam (*BIALA) placed due to *BUDAPEST points
Champion Endurance Horse, NASS
Represented NASS WI Horse Fair
5th place at Bay Creek Boogie 30-mile LD
ASHAI Meritorious Dam (*BIALA) placed due to *BUDAPEST points
ASHAI EOY - Dressage placing - First Level
Champion Shagya Dressage - Training- NASS
Champion Shagya Dressage - First Level - NASS
ASHAI Meritorious Dam (*BIALA) placed due to *BUDAPEST points
ASHAI EOY- Top Six Endurance
Res Champion Shagya Endurance, NASS
Shagya representative - IL Horse Fair
ASHAI - Open Competition Placing
Completed 2 x 50-mile endurance rides. Placed 3rd LW on second ride.
ASHAI Reserve Champion Meritorious Stallion
Feature article in Germany magazine "Shagya-Araber"
Champion Meritorious Stallion - NASS
Since the inception of the NASS award program in 1992 - Every year that NASS awarded a Meritorious Stallion, *BUDAPEST was the Champion.
To date *BUDAPEST is the #1 Shagya stallion on the USEF Leading Dressage Sires List of 1100 stallions of all breeds in the US.
2010 United States Equestrian Federation Leading Dressage Sires #680 out of 1100 Dressage Stallions All Breeds, #1 Shagya Stallion
Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry Champion Meritorious Stallion
Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry Specialty Plus Meritorious Stallion