Hungarian WineGlass Glory

Shagya Sporthorse/Hungarian Felver Mare
PShR-01-3015, HHAA #1488
- 2001 Shagya Sporthorse/Hungarian Felver Mare
- Bred by Linda Rudolphi
- 2005 Champion Hungarian, USDF Breed Class, Kentucky Horse Park
- Shagya-Arabian dam line of *Biala, also the dam line of *Budapest
*Biala Sporthorse database link
H. WineGlass Glory LIneage
The H. Bikaver daughters have proven themselves over and over as broodmares. Glory is a tall, strong mare with classic lines. She has successfully shown in hand and was the Champion Hungarian Model at a USDF Breed class at the Kentucky Horse Park.
The dam line of Glory is the Shagya-Arabian mare Faith (*Shandor x *Biala). Her historic bloodlines from her grand-sire Shagal and dam *Biala, a mare bred at the noted Janow Podlawski Polish Stud, continue the Shagya breeding tradition. Faith is also a three-quarter sister to our beloved *Budapest. Faith was owned by Karen Mullin of PA and shown in 3-day eventing before becoming a broodmare at WineGlass Farm. At the age of 14, Faith exemplified the fact Shagya mares get better and better with age. Faith was approved for breeding at the 2006 Shagya inspection with scores of 8 for her type, head, body and walk. Comments included "a well balanced body with good proportions."
H. WineGlass Glory produces excellent progeny of sporthorse type and fluid movement. H. WineGlass Gideon (*Budapest x H. WineGlass Glory) is a two time recipient of the USDF All-Breed Award and the PShR *Budapest Memorial Award.
Shagya-Arabian mare Faith with the director of the Babolna State Stud in Hungary, Tamas Rombauer at the 2006 ShA Inspection at WineGlass Farm.
H. WineGlass Gideon by *Budapest at the 2013 PShR Inspection with owner Dr Rachel Powell.
H. WineGlass Gretta by *Budapest.
High Point Shagya Sporthorse, H. WineGlass Grace, by *Budapest at the 2013 PShR Inspection. Left to right: judge Dr Walter Huber from Germany, handler Dr Olivia Rudolphi and judge Svetlo Kastchiev, breeding director at Kabiuk State Stud, Bulgaria.