RushCreek Fawn

Purebred Araban Mare
AHAA #75960
- Born in 1971
- WineGlass Foundation Mare Line
- Bred by RushCreek Ranch, breeding manager Dr Ellis Ruby, PhD Genetics
- Ridden for over 3,000 miles by my mentor and aunt JoAnne Gernant
- Multiple Regional, National and Canadian Champion mare in Competitive Riding & Endurance
- Recipient of 1,000 mile AERC Endurance Award
RushCreek Fawn in Sporthorse Database
RushCreek Fawn LIneage
RushCreek Fawn was a true range mare in every way, a lifestyle and attitude that made her the tough mare she was mile after mile. She was the dam of RushCreek Judd the 1982 AERC Mileage Champion and RushCreek Luv the 1986 UMECRA Competitive Champion. What was later discovered to be a ranch wide selenium deficiency common for the area, Fawn was culled after remaining open in the mare band for a couple of years. JoAnne Gernant, lifetime career of 30,000 miles of Competitive and Endurance riding, purchased Fawn. Fawn was delivered and unloaded directly into a box stall at Joanne's home in IL. There the range mare met the most determined woman on earth - both developed a healthy respect for each other.
JoAnne and Fawn went on to compete at the front of the line for almost 10 years. They agreed there was no need to be standing around when there was trail ahead. You could hear Fawn coming through the woods flopping her bottom lip peppered with a periodic terms of "endearment" from JoAnne.
At that time RushCreek Ranch was the largest collection of the true Albert Harris bred horses - tough, cavalry tested horses. While not known for their beauty, their athletic ability led RushCreek to be the winner of the popular Ranch Trial competitions where the field was dominated by QH or TB's and not "dingy" Arabs. Dr Ruby always kept in mind and respected the Harris bloodlines when outcrossing to make "prettier" marketable horses, while on the ranch the cowboys all had a remuda of Harris bred, "suitcase head" tough horses.
In 1985, at the age of 14 RushCreek Fawn came to WineGlass Farm to enter the broodmare band. No one could have predicted Fawn would have a beautiful daughter, WineGlass Madeira who was not only approved for Trakehner breeding but praised at the inspection for her movement, type and sport horse qualities. Fawn also had a purebred Arabian daughter , WineGlass Voodu. Voodu was not only my favorite all time riding mare, but her daughter, WineGlass Sherry, went on to be 2013 AHA National Champion Competitive Half-Arabian . See the PShR Mare page for information on these horses
WineGlass Marsalla as a new foal with her dam WineGlass Madeira
RushCreek Fawn daughter WineGlass Voodu and her 2006 colt by *Budapest. This pair also appeared as models on the front of an AVMA brochure cover.
RushCreek Fawn grand-daughter WineGlass Sherry (*Budapest x WineGlass Voodu) and Holly Kemmis. 2011 AHA Region 10 Reserve Champion Competitive Trail horse. In 2013 WineGlass Sherry was the AHA National Champion Competitive Half-Arabian, ridden by Olivia Rudolphi.