WineGlass Diva

Shagya-Arabian Mare
PShR-10-2001, AHA #1A345820
- PShR Book I Shagya-Arabian Mare
- Bred by Linda Rudolphi
- Darnefti dam line
- Only full sister to the performance proven geldings WineGlass Debonair, Dubonnet and Dominus
*Budapest, Sire of WineGlass Diva, Sporthorse database link
WineGlass Diva LIneage
WineGlass Diva is our only mare from Wine Bint Darnefti. Combine that with the fact all her brothers are big, strong and successful boys proving the family's athletic abilities and superior personalities - Diva is a keeper for the mare band.
At the 2006 Shagya inspection she received an 8 for type, head, body, walk and trot! These marks made her one of the highest scoring part-Shagya mares on the 2006 inspection tour. Comments from the Shagya judges include "well defined joints on legs" and "ground covering walk, swinging ground covering trot, canter with energy."
WineGlass Dolchetto (*Max x WineGlass Diva) at the 2017 PShR Inspection. As a 3 year old she passed her Inspection and the Interior Test.
An extremely elegant moving 2015 filly WineGlass Dafni by *KS Rubin out of WineGlass Diva
WineGlass Diva daughter WineGlass Dora by *Max, ShA. WineGlass Dora has completed all of her PShR Mandatory and Performance testing to be a fully Licensed PShR Book I Mare.
Stallion prospect WineGlass Dionysus by *Max out of WineGlass Diva. Dionysus is a 2017 colt with an excellent Shagya-Arabian pedigree.
The dam of WineGlass Diva, the purebred Arabian mare Wine Bint Darnefit, and Kate Rudolphi on the trail.
Wine Bint Darnefti and Olivia Rudolphi concentrating during an in-hand model sporthorse class.